By Laws

Amended 03/06/2009


    The club will hold a Show and Trials annually.


    The club is to have Two (2) Vice President.
    At least one (1) Vice President must be a non-Sydney metropolitan member as defined by Dogs NSW.


    The quorum for a meeting shall not be less than five (5) of the members thereof present in person.


    The President position will be elected annually and no member will hold the position of President no more than three (3) consecutive years.


    Meetings of the committee shall be held at the discretion of the committee at such place and such time as the committee from time to time determines.

    1. All members must notify the secretary in writing to advise of their dog’s titles and all members must be financial to be entitled to a club sash.
    2. Arrangement of ribbons for Interstate and Overseas members must be paid for by the member before they are sent, or the member may make arrangements for someone to collect their ribbon at the Australian Shepherd show.

    The club will buy and supply the show secretary of the show that the Australian Shepherd Assoc. of NSW is sponsoring with the club ribbons either by post or by a club member who is attending that show.

    1. The judges for the Championship Shows and ALL Trials shall be elected at the AGM 12 months prior to the events.
    2. Nominations of Judges shall be sent by post to the secretary by 30th June each year.
    3. Nomination forms for the election of judges for the following year shall be contained in a newsletter. Each member shall be entitled to nominate one judge for each category. In case of dual membership, each is entitled to so nominate. The member shall sign and print their name on the nomination form. Dual members may use a photocopy of the form or clearly mark the same form, in which case each member must sign beside their nominations.
    4. The Secretary shall make a list of no more than 10 nominated judges for each category. The list shall be published in a newsletter a voting paper shall be attached to that newsletter and all members invited to vote for their choice of judges that can not attend the AGM in September. The member voting by mail shall sign and print their name on the voting paper. Dual members may use a copy of the voting paper. Voting of judges will close one week prior to AGM.
    5. The secretary will hand over all postal voting papers with the result at the AGM. The secretary will keep the voting papers for 3 months after the AGM. Postal Voting members shall number their choices of judges for each category. Every judge must be numbered in order of preference, the most preferred judge should be marked (1). The least preferred (10). Each number is to be used once only. The voting paper should be clearly marked with this information. Failure to comply with the above requirements will render the vote invalid.
    6. The results shall be decided in the following manner. The cumulative totals for each judge shall be calculated, the judge with the lowest total being deemed the most preferred judge and the judge with the highest total will be the least preferred. All members at the AGM who have not applied for a postal vote will vote at the AGM. When the results have been decided, the secretary shall list the judges in that order.
    7. For each category the show secretary shall offer judging contracts to the judges on the list in the following order.
    8. If a judge in any category is unable to accept a contract, the next judge on the list for that category will be contracted.
    9. The nominated judge will be contracted subject to agreement of "Contract Fee" as agreed upon the committee.
    10. Contracted judge cannot have judged Australian Shepherds at an All Breeds or Specialty show in NSW or ACT in the 12 months before the show
    11. If a suitable overseas judge becomes available to judge the NSW Specialty Show, the judge be given priority and contracted to judge. The judge must not have judged the breed in Australia within three years.

    All Perpetual Trophies to stay with the club President and a replica to be given to the winner on the day of the event.
    No Perpetual Trophy to be taken home by the winner to stop any damages.

    1. All Life Members to receive a suitable gift on the presentation of the life membership.
    2. A complimentary membership of the club to be given each year.
    3. Applications for Life Membership may be accepted by Members in General Meetings by a simple majority of the Members voting in person.
    1. Upon the question arising at a General meeting of the club a member has one vote only.
    2. All votes shall be given personally or by proxy but no member may hold more than five (5) proxy votes.
    3. In the case of an equality of votes on a question at a General Meeting, the Chairperson of the meeting is entitled to exercise a second or casting vote.
    4. A member or proxy is not entitled to vote at any General Meeting of the Club unless all money due and payable by the member or proxy to the Club has been paid.
    5. Proxies can be delivered by post or electronic.
    6. Proxy votes to be identified by one committee person at a meeting and to tabulate any proxy votes and any proxy votes to be checked by a second committee person.
    1. A dog entered in a Property Class in the club show must be entered in a Class from the Show or Trial. This class can be a Show, Veteran, Agility, Obedience or Herding class if offered as these are all classes of the show.
    2. Challenge Dog & Bitch & Reserve Challenge Dog & Bitch will not be eligible to enter property classes if judged by the same judge.
    3. MVA conformation class to be judge as a Property Class.

    Persons on the Committee or members of the club that organise the judge, pick the judge up from the airport, fraternise with or accommodate the judge will not handle their dogs at the Specialty show under said judge.

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